

(中國曾經參加了3年的抗美援朝戰爭,也就是我們熟知的韓戰Korean War


Probably because of the political reasons, I find out that except Chinese and South Korea, people from other countries know almost nothing about North Korea. (China had participated in the three-year ” the movement to resist U.S. agression and aid Korea”, it’s known as Korean War) So before my travels raiders about North Korea, I decided to popularize basic knowledge about this country to those guys who know nothing about North Korea. Please read it with patience before reading my travels raider Strategy to the Brave: How to escape Yanggakdo Hotel, noctivagantion in Pyongyang”.


  1. 조선 朝鮮Choson, Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK)指的是北韓。Means North Korea.
  2. 朝鮮韓國的分界是"三八線",地點在板門店(판문점, Panmunjom),最靠近的城市是開城(개성특급시, Kaesong),參觀行程兩者都會去。The boundary between North and South Korea is "military demarcation line", place in Panmunjom, the closest city is Kaesong, visit tour will go to both of them.
  3. 조선말 朝鮮語North Korean language】與韓語(한국말)不盡相同,差異比台灣的國語跟大陸的普通話之間的差異還大許多;有些辭彙和句型用法不一樣,因此脫北者到了韓國後必須重新學習語言。Different from South Korean language, the differences between them is more than Taiwan’s Mandarin and China Mandarin. Some usage in vocabulary and sentence are not the same, so the defectors to the need to re-learn the language after they reach South Korea.
  4. 只能參加朝鮮安排的官方旅遊團,目前沒有開放任何自由行。Can only participated in the Official Tour of the DPRK, didn’t open any free line travel currently.
  5. 美國人、日本人、南韓人不可以進入北韓。Americans, Japanese and South Koreans are not allow to go into North Korean.
  6. 朝鮮旅遊團的官方行程很制式,四天三夜,所有人去的行程都是一樣的。DPRK 's official tour itinerary is very standard, four days and three nights, all trips are same.
  7. 【簽證Visa】旅行社代辦,其實過海關到朝鮮不用簽證,護照上只會出現丹東出境的記錄。簽證是團簽,沒有個人簽,載入景實收走你的護照,給導遊你們的團體簽證表,離境的時候會收回團體簽證表,把護照還你。也就是說,你根本不會有去過朝鮮的任何紀錄。我們跟導遊拿了我們的團簽拍照留念。Official travel agents will do it, in fact, cross the border to DPRK without a visa will only be recorded on a passport and exit of Dandong. Group visa is signed, no personal check departure time will be taken away, we took a tour with our group signed their pictures taken. That is, you would not have been any record of North Korea.
  8. 【安檢Security】在火車上進行,火車開過"中朝友誼橋"之後,就到了《新義州신의주(Disambig gray.svg.)》,會停靠許久,所有的人不許離該自己的床位,軍人會上車,每個車廂、每個人逐一核對,一個一個打開行李檢查,耗時許久。On the train, when the train crossed the "China DPRK friendship bridge" to the "Sinuiju(Disambig gray.svg.)", the train will stop for a long time, all people are not allowed to leave the their own beds. The military will get on the tiain, check each car one by one, open every baggage, it takes a long time.
  9. 一直以來都規定:【手機、筆記型電腦、MP3、U盤、長鏡頭相機】全部會被朝方“保管”,傻瓜相機和家用數位影像錄影機可以帶,但是具有GPS定位的傻瓜相機也會被扣下來,只可以帶普通的。但這次我們去的時候已經開始放寬限制,手機、電腦都可以帶。 Always prescribes: Mobile, Notebook computer, MP3, USB disk, long lens camera will be “safekeeping” by the DPRK, can bring cameras and household digital video recorder, but with GPS positioning cameras will also be buckled down, may only bring ordinary one. But this time we are lucky since they’re beginning of the relaxation of restrictions, mobile phones, computers can be brought.
  10. 火車沿途是不給拍照的,原因很簡單,這一段是朝鮮北部最窮的地方。因為窮不給拍。但是管理不是很嚴格,所以可以偷拍,不過沒什麼可拍的,因為大部分都是荒地。There is not allow taking pictures along the way of the train, the reason is very simple, this section is the poorest parts of North Korea. Not allow to shoot because of the poor. But management is not very strict, so it can still be photographed, but actually nothing to shoot, because most of them are wasteland.
  11. 沒有網路,不能買電話卡。No internet, no cell phone.
  12. 【隨身用品Paraphernalia】 旅行團都安排在羊角島賓館 (양각도국제호텔, Yanggakdo Hotel ),也是唯一涉外的賓館,什麼都有,相當於中國的3星級,所以洗漱不用帶了。Tours are arranged at Yanggakdo Hotel, it is the only foreign hotel, got most of the things you needt.
  13. 【食品 Food】可以帶水果,基本吃不到水果,其它不用多帶,團餐會讓你吃很飽,嘴饞的帶零食就好。Can bring some fruit, because there is almost no fruit there. No need to bring other foods, group food will make you full, if you really like to eat, can also bring some snacks.
  14. 旅行團有兩個導遊,一個是解說員,另一個是政府派的情報人員,負責監視,主要工作是控制行動、不准拍照、檢查照片、刪照片。只有導遊允許的情況下才能拍照,所以想要照片要偷拍。Tour group had two guides, one is the narrator, another is the government's intelligence officer, responsible for monitoring, his (or her) main work is to control action, not allowed to take pictures, check photos, delete photos. You can only take photo when he allow, so you need to do it Secretly.
  15. 問了導遊覺得不該回答的問題,她會說“聽不懂”就“不知道”,或是乾脆隨便唬爛你。If you asked tour guide some questions that she think she shouldn’t answer, she would say, "I don’t understand you." , "I don’t know", or simply just fool you.
  16. 自由行動完全沒有機會,所謂的“採購”就是去對外國人的專門小商店買紀念品,晚餐後直接回酒店,不准外出。我們的行動就是在晚上偷溜出酒店,並去當地商店購物。There is no chance of free movement, the so-called "shopping" is to go to small shops which specialized open for foreigners to buy souvenirs. And you will directly back to the hotel after dinner, not allowed to go out. Our action is slipped out of the hotel at night, and buy some stuff at local store.
  17. 在涉外商店賣東西的售貨員是選出來的美女。Salesman in the foreigners store are elected beauty.
  18. 【貨幣 Money】朝鮮錢遊客是見不到的,因為不對外開放,也不接受換匯,遊客只會在涉外商店消費,一律用人民幣(或美金/歐元),找錢也是找人民幣(或美金/歐元)。所以我們行動的目的之一,就是拿到朝幣!Tourists can’t see their money since they don’t used them with tourists and they also don’t accept any swap. Visitors can only shopping in foreign store, and only accept RMB (or USD / EUR) there. So one of the purposes of our actions is to get their money!
  19. 朝鮮目前的社會整體狀態像是中國的七十年代,甚至比台灣的老蔣統治時期還封閉,不論是建築物、服裝、街道或國民娛樂。North Korea is currently the overall state of society like China seventies, even more serious than during the reign of Chiang Kai-shek in Taiwan, whether buildings, clothing, street or nationals entertainment.
  20. 주체사상 主體思想 Juche Idea, or Kimilsungism(金日成主義)】闡明人民群眾是革命和建設的主人,也是推動革命和建設的力量。即人就是自己命運的主人,也是開拓自己命運的力量,由金日成創立。主體思想是以封建時代忠君思想鞏固金正日自身的統治席位,維護朝鮮社會長期穩定是它的主要目的,因此該思想號召人民忠誠于君主。也就造成了今天金家統治朝鮮,一家獨大的狀況。To clarify that the people are the masters of revolution and construction, and also the power to promote the revolution and the construction. That man is the master of his own fate, but also to open up his own destiny, founded by Kim Il-Sung. Juche Idea (Kimilsungism) is to feudal royalism consolidate the rule of Kim Jong Il's own seat, safeguard the Korean society long-term stability is its main purpose. Therefore the idea called the people loyal to the emperor. Also resulted in today's golden rule of Korea, a dominant state.
  21. 【安全Safety】哇塞,不會再有比朝鮮更安全的地方了,這裡唯一的罪犯就是脫北者,根本不會有搶拐騙發生。Wow, there will be no safer place than North Korea. The only criminal here is defectors, there are no robbed abduction occurred
  22. 탈북자 脫北者Defectors】是指逃離朝鮮的人。Means those Take off from the North。
  23. 【飲食Diet】食物極度缺乏,經常有飢荒,夜遊時可以看到路邊停有國際救助食物的車輛(白天他們的導覽當然不會讓你看見)。白天坐車路經農田時,可以看到很多田都是荒的,而且很多人站著或蹲在田裡沒有在做農事,不知道在做什麼。Extreme lack of food, often with famine, you can see stop international food aid vehicle when slipped out of the hotel at night (they will not let you see at daytime navigation course). When we passing by farmland during the day by car, you can see a lot of fields are barren and a lot of people standing or squatting in fields but not do farming, I do not know what they are doing there.
  24. 【衣著clothes】朝鮮的人民熱衷於穿軍裝,即使不是當兵的,也喜歡穿軍綠色的類似軍裝一樣的制服。先軍政治是朝鮮一大特色。North Korea's people are keen to wear military uniform, even if they are not a soldier, they also like to wear clothes in deep green color and in uniform style. Military politics is a major feature of North Korea.
  25. 【居住 Housing】朝鮮人也不用擔心住房問題,因為全部都是國家分配,城市人住公寓,農村人住平房。和父母同住一般分配150平米的房子,不和父母住則分配80-100平米的房子。住房是小倆口結婚後,男的向單位申請就行。所以女的在沒結婚之前都是和父母一起住的。平壤市區的住房很多是一幢樓房幾千甚至上萬戶,規模非常大。治安也很好。North Koreans do not have to worry about the housing problem, as are all national distribution, urban people living in apartments, rural people live in the cottage. Living with parents are generally allocated 150 square meters of houses, and do not live with parents got 80-100 square meters of houses. Housing is the man apply to the unit after marriaged. So before married, the woman live with their parents. Pyongyang downtown building housing many thousands or even a million, very large. Security is also good.
  26. 只要是展示給外國人看的區域都不錯。As long as it is shown to foreigners to see, the area are good.
  27. 每棟樓幾乎都有金日成父子的肖像。Almost every building has a portrait of Kim Il Sung and his son.
  28. 朝鮮是一個隨時停電的國家,一天停4.6次都是很正常的事情。North Korea is a country at any time of the blackout day stop 4.6 is a normal thing.
  29. 【交通traffic】朝鮮人交通基本就是步行加上騎腳踏車,高速公路上也是如此,能開車的都是當官的,所以普通百姓想去一個比較遠的地方都非常的不容易,公共交通不方便,設施不完善。North Koreans basic transportation is walking plus cycling, even on the highway, only Officials can drive (or have a car), so ordinary people want to go to a distant places are not very easy, public transportation is not convenient, facilities are not perfect.
  30. 평양지하철 平壤地鐵 Pyongyang Metro】是世界上最深的地鐵,地下100米,最深可達200米,能防空用。參觀行程包括坐一站地鐵。It's the world's deepest subway, underground 100 meters, up to 200 meters, can be used for air defense. The tour includes a subway ride.
  31. 平壤不像其他國家的首都那樣燈火通明,很少有路燈,有些大路也是沒路燈的。平壤街頭的車很少。朝鮮人騎車的很多,都是輕便自行車或老式的,自己在車上裝一個燈,方便晚上騎。Unlike the capital city of other countries, Pyongyang is not brightly lit at all, it just has few street light, even some big road. Very few cars on the streets of Pyongyang. North Koreans are cycling, they use lightweight bicycle in old fashion, their put a light on it to make it easy to ride at night.
  32. 有軌電車和無軌電車是平壤市區重要的交通工具,特別是晚上下班,大概8點左右,很多人排隊,多數會排幾十米甚至一百米在等電車,平壤電車都比較老,而且數量有限,普通市民上下班是沒有自己汽車的,走路騎車都比較遠,所有只有坐電車上下班。而且電車很擁擠。Tram and trolleybus is Pyongyang city an important means of transport, especially from work in the evening, at about 8 o'clock, a lot of people queuing up, most will row tens of meters or 100 meters in the streetcar, Pyongyang tram are old, and a limited number of ordinary citizens work is not his own car, walking and cycling are relatively far, all only to sit on the tram work. And the tram is crowded.
  33. 朝鮮的高速路路況很差,一路上很顛簸,速度只能70公里每小時。North Korea's Highway are in poor conditions, very bumpy along the way, the speed can only be 70 kilometers per hour.
  34. 【教育 Education】 朝鮮實行12年免費義務教育,1+5+6.一年幼稚園,五年小學,六年中學。且全都是國家買單,不用出一分錢。開學時間和中國不同,他們是4.1日,上學只用上半天,下午自己選興趣小組,不用上課。沒有什麼課業負擔。他們大學上4-5年。全國出名的大學是金日成綜合大學和外國語大學,設立獎學金和金日成獎學金,金日成獎學金是獎學金的幾倍,一般人都能領到獎學金,但是金日成獎學金是很難的。North Korea to implement free compulsory education for 12 years, 1+5+6. One year kindergarten, five years of elementary school, six years of high school. And all are free. School time are different then Chinese, they start at April-1. And they only need to go to school for half a day, in the afternoon they choice their interest groups, do not have class. No burden. College are 4-5 years. The famous university is Kim Il Sung University and University of foreign languages, they offer normal scholarships and Kim Il Sung scholarship, the scholarship of Kim Il Sung is several times than normal scholarship, most people can receive the scholarship, but Kim Il Sung scholarship is very difficult.
  35. 【髮型Hair Style】有明確法律規定,在理髮店可以看到牆上掛有樣板與編號(男性10種,女性18種),能從中選擇。這些髮型都是朝鮮官方挑選出來的,是“最舒適”且“能抵禦資本主義腐化影響”的髮型。There are clear legal provisions, in barber shop can be seen on the wall hanging with model and number (10 for man, 18 for women). Those style are choose from government, are the most comfortable and able to resist the impact of the corruption of capitalism.
  36. 不能直接喊領導人的名字,要尊稱:偉大領袖金日成主席,偉大領袖金正日將軍,偉大領袖金正恩同志。Can't directly call leader's name, need to add their Title: the great leader Kim Il Sung, the great leader Kim Jong Il general, great leader comrade Kim Jong Un.
  37. 在朝鮮,不能說韓國(대한민국),要說南朝鮮。就相當於在中國你不能喊臺灣是中華民國一樣。In DPRK, can't say South Korea as Korea, you have to call them South Choson . Just as you can't call Taiwan the Republic of China (ROC) in China (PRC).
  38. 朝鮮人民很有禮貌,規矩跟台灣人、日本人差不多,比中國人好多了。North Korean people are very polite, just as Taiwanese or Japanese, much more better than people in Chinese.
  39. 【兵役制度Military service system】男性一般是7-10年,期間不允許結婚,女性5-7年,都是自願役,而且很多人都想當兵。他們認為為國家奮鬥是光榮的象徵。Men are generally 7-10 years, not allowed to get married during the period, women are 5-7 years, both are voluntary, but many people want to be a soldier. They believe that fighting for the country is a glorious symbol.
  40. 17歲領市民證,相當於身份證。 17歲就可以結婚,朝鮮人基本是不離婚的,或者說是離婚率很小,如果出現感情危機,會有調解小組來進行調解, At the age of 17 receive citizen certificate, the equivalent of identity cards. 17-year-old can get married, the Korean people are basically not divorce, or the divorce rate is very low, if there is emotional crisis, there will be mediation team comes to help.
  41. 【結婚marriage】朝鮮人結婚一大習俗是吃冷面,所以在朝鮮如果有人問你什麼時候可以吃你的冷面,就是問你什麼時候可以喝你的喜酒,朝鮮人結婚的伴娘是要結了婚的女的,而且最好是生了一個男孩,這樣能為新人帶來好運,生一個男孩,變相說明朝鮮還是有重男輕女的觀念。A custom of North Koreans’ marriage is to eat cold noodles, so if someone asked you when can eat your cold noodles in North Korea, is to ask you why when will you get merried. North Korean wedding bridesmaid is to bear the married woman, and better a women who already have a son, this can bring good luck for the new, to bring them a boy, in disguise that North Korea is still a patriarchal concept.
  42. 【醫療medical treatment】全免,看病不花費一分錢,而且每個社區都有專門的醫生定期到百姓家裡進行宣傳衛生,看病,朝鮮看病不是病人找醫生,而是醫生找病人。Free, and each community have specialized doctor regularly to the people at home health, doctor, North Korea, a doctor is not a patient to look for doctors, but doctors find the patient.
  43. 雖然在我們看來他們生活很艱苦,但是他們思想封閉,沒有得到外界思想的滲透,不瞭解當今世界的變化,對他們來說已經很幸福了。Although it seems to us that they live very hard, but they thought closed, did not get the infiltration of the outside world, do not understand the changes in the world today, they are very happy.
  44.  朝鮮盛產銅。North Korea is rich in copper.
  45. 朝鮮軍人的正步是一步一顫抖的彈簧步法,全世界獨一無二。North Korean soldiers goose-step is a quivering spring footwork, unique in the world.
  46. 無處不體現出革命鬥爭和統一朝鮮的願望。There is no place does not reflect the revolutionary struggle and unity of North Korea's aspirations.
  47. 朝鮮小孩喜歡玩輪滑,沒有互聯網的他們,這應該就是他們最大的愛好吧。North Korean children love skating, they do not have the Internet, this is their biggest hobby.
  48. 在朝鮮,因為文化背景相同,他們也過中秋節,春節,清明節之類的中國傳統佳節。不過他們中秋節不吃月餅,而是吃狗肉,他們稱狗肉為“香肉”,中秋節還要去掃墓,這點和中國有很大的不同,他們不僅清明掃墓,中秋同樣掃墓。In North Korea, because of the same cultural background, they also had a mid autumn festival, Spring Festival, Qingming Festival, the Chinese traditional festival. But their mid autumn festival to eat moon cakes, but eat dog, they said dog as "meat", mid autumn festival would also like to go to the grave, this and the Chinese are very different, they not only Tomb Sweeping Day, mid autumn festival the same grave.
  49. 朝鮮人走路都非常的有精神,但表情都非常的嚴肅,眉頭緊鎖,感覺很焦慮的樣子,而且步伐很快,而且男的大多夾著一個公事包,不是穿西裝就是穿的類似制服樣式的深色系服裝。North Koreans walking very mental, but the expression is very serious, frowning, feeling very anxious look, but the pace quickly, and most of the men sandwiched a briefcase, is not wearing a suit to wear similar uniforms style the dark line of clothing.
  50. 朝鮮人說話,主持的時候和朝鮮電視臺的女主持人一樣,說話帶的感情色彩太過豐富,語音語調很誇張。Koreans speak, presided over when the DPRK and television hostess, like emotional talk with too rich, very exaggerated tone of voice.





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